About us
About us

Our Vision
A secure and sustainable future for our officers and their families.

Our Mission
To provide officers and their families with the support they need to thrive outside the Armed Forces.

The Officers’ Association Benevolent Fund (OABF) is a registered charity, founded in 1920. We provide advice and financial help to relieve distress and hardship amongst those who have held a Commission in the Armed Forces, their families and dependants.

The OABF was incorporated under Royal Charter on 30 June 1921 and registered as a charity (number 201321) with the Charity Commission on 17 April 1964. It is the parent charity of OABF Advance Limited whose financial statements have been consolidated in these financial statements.

As the only Tri-Service charity working with the officer corps, we support former officers and their families, their widows/widowers and dependants by providing advice and financial help, where needed, to enable them to live independently and overcome financial challenges.