Cost of living grant

Cost of living grant

How we can support you

 In response to the challenging times that we are all facing, the OABF is offering a new Cost of Living Grant to help individuals and their dependants meet the rising costs of food, utility bills, rent and transport.

How it works

In order to get the right support to the people who need it most, we carry out an assessment and eligibility check to identify the best help for you and your dependants, with a one-off grant of up to £500 being awarded.

What we can help with

With the cost of living crises impacting the price of everyday essentials, we are aiming to address the need for support in three key areas, including food, keeping warm and having shelter. Our targeted help will cover:


Utility bills and utility arrears

Rent arrears

Fuel and transport costs

Who we support

If you are a former officer from any of the armed services or the family or dependant of an officer and you are struggling with the cost of living and need help in any of the areas listed above, please get in touch.


on 0207 808 4175 or email us
Email us

More Information

We have created a Cost of Living Fact Sheet with lots of information about energy support schemes that are available and what the Government is doing to support people.


This fact sheet is about the Cost of Living crisis and provides guidance and highlights other sources of support
Read more

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