Annual Report 2013/14

The most critical objective attained was the implementation of the new IT system, which we called ‘Project ARIADNE’. I realize that for most IT is a dull subject, but it has significant implications for the OABF. Essentially, we are getting more information about our work in both Employment and Benevolence. There is a saying: ‘what is= measured is managed’. We are now able to measure more and we are sure this will lead to better management and better results.
Of the new plans hatched, the plans to develop the Employment Department are the most significant. We are in the middle of re-tendering for the Governmentsponsored Service resettlement programme, the Career Transition Partnership (CTP). The Trustees are clear that this is important work in which the Charity should be involved. The Chief Executive Officer is leading negotiations on behalf of the Charity and we are confident that he will deliver a satisfactory outcome. The Department, in keeping with the times, is developing new resources on the internet and exploring devolving powers to the regions. Google ‘Officers’ Association webinars’ or ‘OABF Leeds Office’ to see what I mean. It is certain that some of these developments will need refining, but the Trustees are sure that in total they will provide an improved service to our clients and beneficiaries.