Annual Report 2014/15

Founding purpose of the OABF
The primary object of the Association shall be by grants of money loans guarantees and other financial methods to relieve distress among the following persons (whether men or women) and their wives, widows, husbands, widowers, children and dependants namely persons who have at any time held a commission in Our Naval, Military or Air Forces and to aid and assist and promote the interests of all such persons in such ways as are legally charitable.
The Officers’ Association (OABF) is in the fortunate position of working with a number of other very effective charities, and I begin my introduction to the 2015 Annual Report by recognising the important financial support and practical collaboration of the stakeholders listed on pages 41 and 42, as well as our own team’s work in the development of modern systems and approaches to our charity’s work. I would particularly like to acknowledge the ongoing support from The Royal British Legion, which continues to be a major source of funding to the charity.
None of the services we deliver would be possible without the help in the field of our Honorary Representatives, the support of employers who continue to recognise the talent in officers from our Services, and my fellow Trustees, to all of whom I express deepest thanks.