Impact Report 2016

People still need and rely upon us
Every charity should be judged by the impact that it makes on the lives of those it aims to help – this is the only reason any charity exists.
The Officers’ Association is no exception. As always, our report aims to answer honestly and fully that critical question, “What difference have we made?” Only then can all interested parties be reassured that we have made the best possible use of our precious income.
Throughout the years we have enjoyed the patronage of our monarch, and we continue to be most grateful to Her Majesty The Queen for her support. Just as Her Majesty represents a golden thread of continuity in our country, so the need for advice, support and sustenance (as met by the Officers’ Association) has remained essentially unchanged for almost a century.
People still need and rely upon us. Please continue to draw upon our services and support networks and also spread the word about how we can, and do, support so many who have served our nation. By doing so, you will help us to continue to flourish.